Jason Mullins

Jason Mullins
Jason is a lawyer at Gowling WLG (Canada) LLP and practices primarily in the area of corporate finance. Through his experience as a lawyer, Jason is able to provide thoughtful, practical advice on a number of topics relevant to Variety Alberta, including corporate governance, fundraising strategy and regulatory procedure.
Jason decided to become involved with Variety Alberta as he was drawn to the strong unified vision of creating a premier social inclusion charity in Alberta through a focus on becoming a strong advocate and expert source for accessible playground development and leveraging that success to allow Variety to run unique and creative initiatives such as ‘Go Baby Go!’ and ‘Just Like You’. As a director of Variety Alberta, Jason hopes to assist the Variety Alberta team in accomplishing the difficult task of increasing brand recognition and charitable donation revenue which will allow Variety Alberta to have the greatest possible impact while delivering its positive message of inclusion.

Charitable #791538309 RR0001
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