Go Baby Go is a program that cannot exist without sponsorship funding.
Donation of a Go Baby Go Car for Home Use:
Working with organizations that provide front line services to young children living with disabilities, we will identify children who will be gifted a Go Baby Go car for personal use in their homes and communities. Donation of a Go Baby Go car will be to families of children who are readier for independent play that does not need to be supervised one on one by a physiotherapist or support worker.
Donations provide a fully functional vehicle that has been specifically modified for the child’s direct needs for being able to independently sit in and control the vehicle on their own.
Sponsor Recognition – For your support and sponsorship, your organization will be able to brand the Go Baby Go car with your organizational logo and you will be invited to:
- Participate in the Go Baby Go car modification workshop and help adapt the vehicle to fit the needs of the child/children who will be receiving vehicles; and
- Gift the Go Baby Go car to the child/family you are supporting and see the impact that your donation has on the child’s life.

Car Adaptation Workshop

Branding the Vehicle

Car Gifting Day

Charitable #791538309 RR0001
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